Indigestion is the burning pain in your upper belly that makes you feel bloated or nauseated. It is a common digestive problem that occurs usually when a person over eats or eats too fast. Extreme indigestion causes heartburns and gives a source taste. Smoking, consumption of alcohol or an ulcer are some causes of Indigestion. There are many healthy ways to prevent indigestion. Some of them are listed below.
Fibre: The Base of Your Diet
Fibre foods not only prevent indigestion but contributes to the overall health of the body. It helps prevent some serious diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. A mushy and processed diet should be replaced with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. If a person finds it difficult to chew these foods because of lack of teeth cosmetic dentistry Penrith are a good option because chewing these hard food exercises the jaw and helps greatly in digestion. Fatty foods, fast foods and junk must be eaten in moderation.
Chew Your Food
Although often forgotten chewing food is vital to digestion as it breaks down the food and sends signal to the necessary parts of the body for the release of digestive enzymes. A decent set of teeth is needed to chew well so if your teeth aren’t aligned making chewing difficult trusted periodontist in Penrith can fix this for you. Avoid opening the mouth while eating or even talking throughout because the air that is swallowed interrupts digestion. Eat in moderation because a heavy meal isn’t properly digested due to insufficient digestive enzymes in the body and this could lead to heartburn.
Drink Water Abundantly
Water acts as a lubricant used to ease the process of breaking down the food. It also helps in the process of absorption of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients in the food we eat. Water also prevents constipation since it makes the stool moist and eases excretion.
Stay Fit and Be Chill
Lack of exercise is connected to many problems like obesity, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome. Although one must exercise regularly, exercising right after a meal can cause heartburns. Give time for your food to digest.
Being mentally pressured or stressed can cause indigestion. Meditation can help calm ones mind and increase the production of digestive enzymes. Stress reduces the flow of blood, slows down the process of digestion and causes constipation, bloating and even heartburn.
Stop Smoking
It is highly recommended to avoid caffeine and alcohol but smoking must be immediately stopped to help digestion as it severely disrupts the digestive system.